Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with salary scales at Edelman?

Yes, we offer you a gross salary based on a workweek of 40 hours. The salary is based on a salary grid determined per function at Edelman BV.

Will I receive reimbursement?

Yes, however note that your reimbursement will depend on your commute and personal circumstances

What kind of retirement does Edelman have?

We have an excellent retirement (defined contribution system) program. Premium free, which means you don’t have to pay any contribution to your retirement plan.

How many leave days will I receive?

Depending on your age you will receive 27, 28 or 29 days off based on a 40 hour workweek.

Do I need a degree?

It depends on the job opening you are interested in. The requirements are always mentioned in the vacancies.

Is there a station nearby the Headquarters of Edelman?

The nearest stations are Gouda and Bodegraven. It takes around 20 minutes per bike to Edelman. There is no direct transport with public transportation to Edelman

Do I need a driver license?

No, it is not a necessity, however please note that there is no direct public transportation to our company.

Is a company car included?

For some job openings a company car is included, however the majority of our job openings is without a company car.

Are there possibilities for further education at your company?

Yes, this is a possibility. Of course this also depends on your job position and future career opportunities (personal development plan).

Do you have a collective employment agreement?

No, we work with our own staff handbook

Do you sell to consumers?

No we only sell B2B

Do you work with incentives?

Yes, for some job openings we work with incentives and we have a profit sharing arrangement for all employees.